Oct 10, 2006


Matty is a fantastic bass player and I discovered him playing back in the day with a band called 'Doorbitch'.
Since then he has moved to Sydney and is working, amoung other things, with animation and film sound tracks.
Matty always will be one of those musicians who is pushing the border line of what we consider possible in the realms of entertainment. He is either ahead of his time or a compleate loony. I think he may be both.
There is a link here to a page of his and you will probably hear him playing bass, singing, playing keyboards, guitar, kazoo, drum machines and anything else he can get his hands on. Truely the one man band!
Thats a link, simply click on the purple writing or right click to open in a new window.
Matty and I have both played in the following bands: 'Naddy' and
'The Marlborough Project'.

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