Oct 10, 2006


This is a picture of me and my friend Bon warming up to play at The Tea Club.
(That's him on the right.) I first started hanging out with Bon when he was 13. I was much older and was quite annoyed to discover he was a better guitarist than me, and probably still is.
Bon is a sick dude and a very good rapper. He can play almost any instrument and if he can't it's because he hasn't seen it yet. He lives in Brogers and I can walk to his house from mine in about one and a quarter hours. Bon spends most of his time playing and recording music, winning computer games, smoking dope and hatching evil plans.

We have both been in the following bands: 'Venn', 'Split Fingers 3' and 'The B.C.O.G'
This is a sick photo Bon took the other day at his house.

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